Goddess  Temple Gifts

New and updated edition of Priestess of Avalon , Priestess of the Goddess by Kathy Jones

becoming a Priestess/Priest of Avalon – are you called to this sacred pathway of your souls yearning ??


“Our love for the Lady often begins when we first hear Her name – Lady of Avalon, Lady of the Holy Isle of Avalon, Lady of the Lake and Lady of the Lake of Mysts. These Goddess titles echo like a distant trumpet blowing through our lives, awakening us to long-forgotten memories. Her name strikes a chord within our souls that resounds in every part of our being. Deep inside we already know Her.
In our hearts we feel connected to the Lady of Avalon by a thread, which may be tenuous and gossamer thin, but it is alive and vibrating. We want to strengthen that thread and follow it. We want to devote ourselves to the Lady as we believe the ancient priest/esses of this land once did. Some remember being those Priestesses in previous lives. In imagination and visions we see robed womanly figures walking the sacred landscape, climbing the slopes of a steep hill in ceremony, worshipping Goddess beside the holy wells. We see them serving Her people as ceremonialists, healers, poets and scryers, as midwives of birth, life and death, living a life of praise and dedication to Her.
We wish to live such a life now, although we have little idea of what this might mean.
We long to become present day Priestesses and Priests of Avalon, dedicated to Goddess. We hear Her voice calling to us and we respond,
“Yes, Lady, I am yours! May I be your priestess?”,
without truly knowing anything about Her or the transforming nature of Her service.”

Additional information

Weight 780 g
Dimensions 22 × 15.5 × 3.5 cm