Goddess  Temple Gifts

Red Tents – Mary Ann Clements and Aisha Hannibal.

Unravelling our past and weaving a shared future.



Each Red Tent is a unique reflection of the community of women who create it. But these varied spaces share something in common.

  • The longing for connection and belonging.
  • The sharing of how we are feeling and who we are in our lives.
  • The nourishment of ourselves and each other.
  • The slowing down, the rest, the replenishment.
  • The simple act of sharing time and space with a group of women.
  • The opportunity to let go of the other responsibilities in our lives

When women come together, magic happens. We know this to be true from our own experience. And we have also seen that something else happens too when these communities grow: they can become a beacon to others.

Red Tents weaves together the voices and experiences of many women to create a shared story about the role Red Tents can play in our lives. We document our shared hope, vision and dream – Red Tents as liberatory community spaces for women around the world.

Full of inspiration and practical learning, along with questions and practices to support and stimulate discussion about some of the challenges Red Tents face. Red Tents is written by the founders of the Red Tent Directory, including interviews with over seventy women from diverse backgrounds who run Red Tents, this book provides the practical support women need to establish and sustain a Red Tent in their own community.

  • Common challenges and how to overcome them
  • Building Red Tent spaces that are liberatory and challenge oppression
  • Leading together and making your tent sustainable

This book provides you with inspiring, grounded, tried and tested advice for creating a safer and more inclusive space.

Paperback/ 229x152mm |
eBook: ISBN: 978-1-910559-56-7

A must-read for women who are yearning to create Red Tent sisterhood. This book captures the magic of the global Red Tent movement and provides new insight about how to celebrate and honor what it means to be a woman.
Isadora Leidenfrost, PhD, Red Tent movie filmmaker of Things We Don’t Talk About and author of The Red Tent Movement: A Historical Perspective

Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliant.

This book is so so important in opening up a vital conversation for those facilitating spaces for women – it feels like absolute gold dust. What is explored here is what I feel has been missing from the core values of many groups within the red tent movement and womens sacred circles. For those of striving for and creating more inclusive spaces It is long overdue and I am very grateful to the writers for putting what many of us have been feeling and exploring into this very clear and well written book. I will be buying copies for everyone i know and recommending it far and wide. Thank you.
Clare Jasmine Beloved

In this fast moving and ever changing world the need for Red Tent spaces is bigger than ever. With this powerful and at times challenging book, Mary Ann and Aisha offer a guide to how the Red Tent’s of now and the future can unpick old ideas and offer brave, intersectional spaces where all voices can be heard. Whether you’re new to the ways of the Red Tent or an experienced circle leader, this is a much needed and visionary book, with input from a range of experiences sharing how the Red Tent has the potential to co-create healing and learning communities for the benefit of all.
Awen Clement, founder of The Earth House

Additional information

Weight 435 g
Dimensions 23 × 15 × 1.5 cm